November 01, 2010

Day 1 of the 30 day Shred

So today was day 1 of my 30 day challenge, and let me tell you this dvd workout is no joke!  Though it's only a 20 minute workout, Jillian works you HARD!

As some of you know, I struggle with commitment for my workouts so I really want to stick with this.  From the blogs I follow and people I know who have done this workout say that they have great results. So I am looking forward to when I go home for Thanksgiving to see my results.  Maybe I will shock my family, which we be great.  Isn't funny that your own family/yourself is the worst critic.  My mother is always on my facebook page telling me that she doesn't like my profile pictures or I look big/small (that should be another blog post lol).

Anyways, are you all doing any challenges/changes for this wonderful month with 30 days?!


  1. I am going to start training for a half-marathon this month! YIKES! I am scared, lol. I am going to a conference this week but will be beginning a new workout schedule when I return. I will probably post it on my blog. :) Have fun with the shred...I could totally tell a difference (especially in my arms) after I did the 30 days last semester! :D

  2. Good luck with the Shred made it to day 20 this summer then a heat wave hit and it was over. I want to feature you are the 15 in 15 Challenge Star of the week for Week 5 si please send me an email: haneefa [underscore]c[at]hotmail[dot]com. I have a few questions that I would love for you to answer! Keep up the great work!

  3. I am going to try and do this with you. But I will start today! I did the workout a few times and the jumping jacks always get me! But I am going to commit to it this time around.
