May 04, 2011

Operation 25th Freakum Dress


  1. I know your pain!!!! But girl, you can get back on the wagon. That's the awesome thing about being young. I fell off too. Recently I was looking through old FB pics and was flabbergasted - I'd gained so much weight. BUT I had to remind myself that I still had the ability to lose it again. Through diligence, hard work, and just being SELFISH, you can get to your goal. When I mean selfish, I mean taking time out for you! I know I gain weight when I'm trying to be everyone's savior. Trying to solve every problem by 5pm leaves me with no time to take care of me. I'll be praying for you! You can do it . . . AGAIN! LOL

  2. I started on a journey myself and fell off the map...I've also had some health challenges the past month in a half as I am still recovering from a car accident...I am committing to getting things going again and starting to drop this extra weight so I can ensure I live a long and healthy life. You have my support and I can't wait to see you in that dress!
