February 12, 2009

Seek Forgiveness

The Day in the life of THE Rhdiva

So I am finally done with all of these phone interviews for a summer internship....... And you should all know that I can't stand interviews (they make me so nervous). During this whole process I realized I am a person who worries way to much. Did you all know worrying is a sin because you are basically telling God you don't trust Him..... Isn't that deep (I know, I can be deep sometimes). Anyways, I have decided where I will be working this summer............... Illinois State University!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am super excited. The lady who will be my supervisor sounds like she is amazing. We just clicked when we were on the phone together. I am super excited. So for the summer instead of being 12hrs away from home I will only be 7 lol. It really doesn't matter because the dates with this internship is perfect to where I can come home before I go back to UCM. I am so excited from all of these experiences that I am having the chance to do.


So this video that I have on here is so POWERFUL!!!!! Everytime I watch it I start crying. It just makes me stop and think that the Devil is always trying to destroy and keep a sista down, especially when I am trying to get to know God through Jesus! But this video truly shows how much we are loved! If you have time please watch the full video!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise you won't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. big things poppin'! congrats on the internship! i'm happy for you, I applied for Teach for America and finishing up my Americorps application so keep me in your prayers!

    P.S. I enjoyed the video :)

    P.S.S. Read my second to latest post.......I deactivated my facebook!! high five!
